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Luton Borough Council

Luton Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

New ward structure in Luton

In May 2023, a new ward was introduced in Luton, making a new total of 20 wards. Some wards were also renamed and modified. Following these changes, the boundaries of all wards have changed; none have stayed the same. 

This also means that content and reports you'll find here dated pre-May 2023 reflect the old ward boundaries.

See new ward structure in Luton for more information.

The purpose of a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is to use the information we gather to identify local priorities, and support commissioning of services and interventions based on need. This helps us achieve better health and wellbeing outcomes and reduce health inequalities in Luton.

A JSNA is the way local authorities, the NHS and other public sector partners work together to:

  • understand the current and future health and wellbeing needs of the local population
  • identify future priorities

Within Luton, we partner with a wide range of stakeholders, including health services, the voluntary and community sector, as well as representatives from healthwatch, to undertake the JSNA.

The JSNA isn't just about health and personal social care services - it's also about the wider aspects of health and wellbeing including:

  • poverty
  • employment
  • education
  • housing
  • environment

The JSNA page is a living and interactive web-based resource which includes data and insight, highlighting the main health and social issues emerging within the borough.

Please note that data included in the reports below are correct at the time of writing, but may not be the most current data available.

For up to date public health data, please see:

For up to date population data, please see:

Luton’s overview of health and social care needs 2023

This section includes an annual summary of the health and social care needs of our population, including a downloadable document with the latest data and health and social care needs of our population. The report provides a general overview of:

  • our improvements
  • our challenges
  • where we may want to look further to understand what is happening

JSNA summary (overview of health and social care needs)

An infographic summarising some key health related statistics from our JSNA is also available.

This document contains some elements, images in particular, that may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. To request a text only version, please email [email protected].

Luton’s Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)

This section includes Luton’s PNA. The PNA is a statutory health needs assessment which specifically considers the extent to which existing pharmacy services help to meet the health needs of the population by:

  • identifying any gaps in current and future provision
  • highlighting any ways in which services could be improved

Download a copy of the PNA below.

Luton's PNA

Luton’s people

This section describes the health and social care needs of the people of Luton.

Healthy start (0 to 19 years)

Getting a good start in life, building emotional resilience and getting maximum benefit from education are the most important markers for good health and wellbeing throughout life.

Enabling children to achieve their full potential and be physically and emotionally healthy provides the cornerstone for a healthy, productive adulthood.

Adult wellbeing

Consolidating our good health and wellbeing from childhood into adulthood is important. The choices we make every day will go a long way to promoting adult wellbeing.

Ageing well and vulnerable adults

Ageing well is the process of optimising opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age for both individuals and population groups.

Having the right support, housing, transport, and easily accessible information about what's available for older people are just a few things which are key to helping older people live happy, healthy lives.

Contact info
Public Health Intelligence
3rd Floor Arndale House, 37 The Mall, Luton, LU1 2LJ

[email protected]


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